The Power of Flexibility

The Lord said, "Marlene just listen to Me, be obedient, and a little flexible.... Look in the mirror and develop the mind of Christ. I'll do the gene editing if you will do the mind editing. "
Birth of my youngest son Maverick and his older brother Colt. Picture taken 8/21/1986
My dad “PaPa”, Colt, Christopher, Maverick & Gary Jr.

I arrived in Tallahassee in February of 1991, with only two of my four boys after a disastrous event besieged our family. I began work at Leon County School Board Maintenance Department.

My two youngest sons were six and four. I drove a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle that had been redone, was a beautiful candy apple red, with no seat belts, or car seats, It had two big holes in the floor board in the back where the boys sat. I was always afraid we would hit a bump and one of them would go bouncing through to the pavement below.

In 1993 I was recommended by a friend at church for an office job managing a commercial real estate company owned by a Christian couple in Tallahassee, Florida.

Me, April Anderson Craig & Johnny Blue Craig
Thomasville, Georgia 2018

My friend told me this couple were two awesome individuals….and this would be a wonderful place.

At the time, I was such a fearful and insecure single mom. Although I was very skilled, my confidence in myself and in where God had placed me was very low. I wondered, “Why would anyone want to hire me to manage their office?” But, I knew the Lord had brought me to a safe, anointed and wonderful place.

The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Exodus 14:14 ESV

The first week, I was asked to re-do the phone greeting. What I thought would be a simple task, began to feel more like a ten take redo on a movie set.

Still working on it Tuesday, Wednesday, and feeling like I was on a high speed roller coaster, that had left the track.

By Thursday evening I went home cried and prayed for God to give me the courage to do another take.

I looked in the mirror and wondered how I was going to muster the courage to attempt another “redo”.  I just knew I was at my breaking point and then I heard the LORD say gently,

“Marlene, how about being a little more flexible. Could you? If you looked in the mirror and didn’t like the outfit you were wearing, or the way your make up or hair looked, you wouldn’t give it a second thought about changing. Learn to be a little more flexible. It will serve you well in life.”

Marlene, how about being a little more flexible. Could you?

For me, when God speaks to my spirit, He is able to do it in a way that gives me the choice to either flat out rebel against what He is telling me; or to simply trust Him and do what He says whether I like it or not. In my heart I knew He was right. One failure is just another step closer to success when your trust is in your heavenly Father. I know that He will take care of His children.

So when I got to the office that Friday and Johnny Blue came in and smiled at me and said, “Hey Marlene, about that phone greeting!”

Instead of being intimidated, fearful and not feeling good enough, I was able to say boldy… with the confidence of God…

Ok Johnny Blue, I’ll work on it.”

To my surprise he said, “No Marlene, I loved it! Thought it was great!”

I was so blessed to work for Johnny Blue and April Anderson Craig for nine years and my boys and I became like family. It’s hard to look back now and see how frightened and insecure I was.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

Through times of learning to be flexible, I often failed to understand what God was doing in me. Most of the time God is helping us learn to love ourselves and those He sends us to. He never wants to harm us, but to draw us closer to Him. Today my love for Johnny Blue, April, their families and the many friends the boys and I made are eternal.

He is preparing His Bride for a wonderful reunion with Him and wants us to participate with Him in inviting others to join Him.

I Corinthians 31:12

You are one of God’s Treasures!

God will always send forth his unfailing love. He is always faithful.

You are more valuable than you will ever know understand. Unconditional love, freedom and mercy is within your reach and beyond your wildest dreams!


From ashes to beauty…

Cinderella Released Ministries

I live to teach, pray and minister through the Holy Spirit and would love to meet you. To support me and CRM you may go through PayPal, Charity Chapel Pensacola or

In Christ Alone we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Flexibility

    1. My older two sons are in Orlando. The oldest Gary Jr. and his wife Angel have my two oldest grandchildren, JJ and Emily. Christopher Israel is my second from the oldest and suffers from a mental illness. When he was 14 he asked for wisdom in prayer time, and his mind has been attacked. He is very intelligent, but has episodes of paranoia and schizophrenia. I am praying for complete healing and deliverance! Thank you for your comment and prayers! Love and appreciate you and TCCTC!

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