Impossibly Unaffordable!

San Diego

Embracing Ministry on the West Coast: A Call for Support

I read an article about the 10 most “Impossibly Unaffordable” places to live. San Diego & Los Angeles were listed. The West Coast is renowned for its beauty but also known for its high cost of living. While this may seem daunting, I am grateful to operate on the Lord’s provision, where the impossible becomes possible for those under His care.

I have been called to serve here as a prayer and healing minister, counselor, and teacher. Additionally, my son lives in the area, further affirming my presence here.

Many people I have spoken with here have invested & endured much to keep afloat and face limited options to move away into less expensive areas. I never knew San Diego is the birthplace of California and saw its beginnings with European settlers at San Diego Bay. [Read More about San Diego’s History]

One reason the Lord has placed me in the San Diego and Los Angeles area is to evangelize and minister to a unique blend of people. Kingdom seeds are sprouting everywhere!

Each week, I receive and reach out to an average of 5-6 new prayer and counseling requests. Many individuals are struggling to make ends meet, often commuting long distances from places like Arizona and Mexico.

A pressing need here is addressing mental health, recovery care, and various health issues. Many are seeking and finding Jesus, drawn by the Holy Spirit in profound ways.

Please pray for my heart, hands, and feet as I share Jesus. I am thankful for God’s divine connections, which allow me to minister the gospel, bring healing, and offer deliverance.

With God All Things Are Possible!

You are loved,

Marlene, from ashes to beauty Cinderella Released Ministries
Please PM me your prayer requests or call.

GV # 619… 535..9429..

We appreciate and need your support now more than ever! Our monthly budget is $4000 per month and we are raising $20,000 for a mobile ministry RV.

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